Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty in Dubai

Tummy Tuck

or Abdominoplasty in Dubai

Short Summary

Surgery Time 2-4 hours depending on the amount of skin excess

Areas that can be done Abdomen, Flanks, Back, Umbilicus repositioning

Anesthesia General Anesthesia

Recovery Period 7 – 14 days

Stay in HospitalDay care (usually) or Maximum 1 night

About The Procedure

What is Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty surgery, which targets the abdominal area to create a tight and youthful look.

Normally, after pregnancy or massive weight loss, there is muscle laxity, excess skin and fat as well as stretch marks and buried umbilicus.

There are corrected by Tummy Tuck Surgery. Excess skin is removed during the procedure and any weakness/separation of the rectus muscles is repaired. Although the surgery can’t completely get rid of stretch marks, they can be removed along with the excess skin or lowered as the remaining abdominal skin is pulled downwards. Umbilicus is also repositioned and aesthetically created.

Liposuction maybe usually combined with Tummy Tuck surgery to reshape and contour the abdomen for the best end result.

Tummy Tuck surgery can be customized for each patient according to their individual needs by using different abdominoplasty techniques. The technique used will determine the size of the resulting scar and where it is located; as a general rule, the larger amount of skin that needs to be removed then the larger the scar.

Benefits of Tummy Tuck

  1. Get rid of loose excess skin in abdomen – excess skin in lower abdomen is a common consequence of pregnancy and most ladies develop it after childbirth. It prevents them from wearing the same clothing they were using before pregnancy.
  2. Tighten the abdomen muscles – the rectus muscle is repaired and strengthened during abdominoplasty thus giving a flatter shape to the abdomen.
  3. Umbilicus repositioned to better shape and site.
  4. Can wear pre pregnancy clothes.
  5. Flaunt your abs like before.

Your consultation

During your consultation, after careful examination, Dr Suhas will ascertain your body type and the best treatment plan for you.

He will also take you through the whole procedure in pictures and show you some of the before and after so that you get a good idea about what you can expect from the procedure.

It is imperative at this time for you to reveal your complete medical history including any medications you maybe taking or other treatments you might be undergoing so that your safety is ensured.

Feeling apprehensive before the surgery takes place is entirely normal. You will be made comfortable and you will be free to ask all your queries and doubts, however seemingly small or big it maybe to you.



Once you have chosen to go ahead with the procedure, Dr Suhas will advise you a few blood tests to ensure that you are indeed in good health otherwise.

If you do have medical conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Problems, Asthma or anything else, Dr Suhas will ensure it is well treated and controlled before the procedure.


On the day of procedure

Dr Suhas will see you before the procedure for marking the areas of the liposuction.

His team will be there to fully support and help you during your stay with us.

Our Anesthesia Specialist will ensure that you are comfortable during the surgery and take care of the anesthesia so that the surgical process is fully painless and you recover well from the anesthesia.



Procedure Details


  1. Women who have had multiple pregnancies and are suffering from excess skin and looseness of the rectus muscle, or an abdominal bulge.
  2. Women who have finished having children because any subsequent pregnancies will undo the results of the surgery.
  3. Men and women who have lost a lot of weight, usually from bariatric surgery, who have loose, sagging and excess flaps of skin in the abdominal area and/or waistline.
  4. In some cases, only liposuction or another surgery may be more suitable, so it is important to be examined by the surgeon before deciding on the type of procedure.

Techniques of Abdominoplasty in Dubai

  1. There are different types of Tummy Tuck surgery available. Dr Suhas will advise on the best technique for each individual case:Standard Abdominoplasty or the ‘conventional tummy tuck’ is the most common procedure. An incision is made in the bikini line and around the belly button, and the latter is repositioned during the surgery.Mini abdominoplasty, or the mini tummy tuck is a less invasive version of the surgery, which corrects smaller amounts loose skin in the belly. A small cut is made along the bikini line, similar to that of a cesarean section, to remove the loose skin immediately above, and muscular repair is performed via a small incision above the belly button.Lipoabdominoplasty combines the Standard or Mini tummy tuck procedure with High definition liposuction to flatten the tummy, get rid of love handles and sculpt the waist. Liposuction is performed first to get rid of the excess fat for a smoother contour, then an incision is made and procedure done just like the regular tummy tuck.

    Circumferential abdominoplasty or Lower Body Lift is usually performed for patients who have lost a large amount of weight and are left with significant excess skin and sagging around the front, sides of abdomen and back, and on the buttocks. An incision is made all around the waistline, from the front to the back, in order to remove the loose skin and tighten the muscles.

    Fleur de Lis abdominoplasty is an extensive procedure used only for patients left with a lot of excess skin both above and below the belly button, which is usually the case following very significant weight loss. Incisions are made in the bikini line and along the centre of the abdomen to remove excess skin located in both vertical and horizontal directions.


  1. The recovery of Tummy Tucks are slightly different from other cosmetic surgery procedures.Most Tummy Tuck surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis or, where combination procedures are required, the patient will need to stay in hospital for a night or two.Either way, the patient will need to see the surgeon on a regular basis during their recovery period for wound management and check-ups; the first of which will be 24-48 hours post-surgery for dressings and drains to be removed and a compression garment fitted.While gentle walking is encouraged immediately after surgery to promote healing, you will not be able to drive, exercise or return to work/normal activity for about two weeks.A walking based exercise regime can be resumed within three to four weeks, and more vigorous gym exercise after six weeks or so. You should be fully recovered and back to feeling normal within four to six weeks.

Are the results permanant?

The short answer is yes. If one does not get pregnant again or put on significant weight, the result will sustain.

As in any body contouring procedure, some adherence and commitment to a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintain the results of surgery.

Cost of Abdominoplasty in Dubai

For an accurate cost assessment, you will need a consultation with our surgeon. The costs usually depends on the following factors:

  1. Number of Areas – The size of area to be treated and the amount of fat and excess skin that needs to be removed.
  2. Complexity and Expertise – The surgeon’s fee is based on their experience and expertise. Hence, a plastic surgery which requires more finesse and precision will cost higher than a routine surgery.
  3. Hospital – Fees also depend upon the facility chosen and the expertise of other medical personnel involved in the operation.

You should bear in mind that the expertise of your consultant and your comfort with him or her should be one the more important factors, rather than the cost of the procedure.

Chasing the cheapest procedure available could turn out to be an costly mistake in the long run.


Why choose Dr.Suhas for your procedure in Dubai?

PATIENT SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY – we employ the worlds best practises, techniques and most proven technologies only to ensure that our clients have the best and safest surgical experience.

  1. Triple Board Certified Consultant Plastic Surgeon – Licensed to practise as a Consultant in 3 different countries.
  2. Multiple Gold Medallist and awardee during his illustrious academic career
  3. Trained extensively and worked in some of the best institutions in the world
  4. Multiple coveted fellowships to learn from the finest in the world
  5. Track Record of more than 8000+ successful Plastic Surgery procedures completed
  6. Extensive 13+ years of International experience in some of the busisest hospitals in the world, where he has honed his surgical skills over time.
  7. Empathetic and caring approach towards his clients.
  8. Puts patient safety as the priority and the patient as the center in his practise and surgeries.
  9. Being dynamic in the use of the latest proven medical technologies so as to give the best possible outcome
  10. Had been a Teacher/Trainer for other Plastic Surgeons for many years in a reputed Medical University in India.
  11. Regularly invited to talk in Plastic Surgery conferences to share knowledge and learn from the best in the world.
  12. Having being trained and regularly performing Microsurgery, he believes in delicate tissue handling and high precision in every step of his surgery, thus giving a superior aesthetic result.
  13. He is an accomplished guitarist from his school days, so finesse and precision was trained into his hands, even before he started his surgical training.
  14. He is a perfectionist, by nature.

“Embrace the shape of confidence with body contouring that celebrates your unique contours and the exquisite art of subtlety in transformation.”

Dr. Suhas S

Embrace Your Journey. Begin Your Transformation.

Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Suhas S this month to start your journey towards aesthetic excellence and self-discovery.