Non Surgical Hair Treatments (PRP, GFC, UltraPRP) in Dubai

Non Surgical Hair Treatments (PRP, GFC, UltraPRP) in Dubai

Short Summary

Surgery Time 20 to 30 minutes

Areas that can be done Head, Beard

Recovery Period Nil

Stay in HospitalOut patient basis (Lunch time procedure)

About The Procedure

What are Non Surgical Hair Treatments ?

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment

GFC – Growth Factor Concentrate

Ultra PRP – PRP with micro needling

All of these are effective and can be used as per the patient’s condition.


Benefits of Non Surgical Hair Treatments

– Minimal downtime

– Can resume activity the same day

– Short duration procedure

However as result may not be as drastic as compared to the Hair Transplant.

But for those who are busy and have no time off, it helps to improve your hair loss and regrow hair, without surgery.


Are the results permanent?

Yes, provided the patient takes their medicines regularly and follows the treatment protocol.

Progressive hair loss like in Male pattern alopecia will need you to use the medicines at home regularly, but you may require touch up treatments in the future.

Any side effects?

No, since these procedures are done with your own blood, there is no rejection or reaction.

Mild swelling maybe seen sometimes in the injected area, which usually resolves in 1-2 days.

Your consultation

During your consultation, after careful examination, Dr Suhas will ascertain your body and hair type and the best treatment plan for you.

He will also take you through the whole procedure in pictures and show you some of the before and after so that you get a good idea about what you can expect from the procedure.

It is imperative at this time for you to reveal your complete medical history including any medications you maybe taking or other treatments you might be undergoing so that your safety is ensured.

Feeling apprehensive before the procedure takes place is entirely normal. You will be made comfortable and you will be free to ask all your queries and doubts, however seemingly small or big it maybe to you.

Procedure Details


  1. Anyone above 18 years of age suffering from hair loss due to various causes.

Technique of Non Surgical Hair Treatments in Dubai

The first step in any hair loss treatment is a carful history taking and examination by Dr Suhas, wherein he will ascertain the cause for your hair loss.

Once the cause is found out, prompt treatment is started by medicines, supplements along with the above treatments.

PRP,GFC and Ultra PRP require a very small amount of blood to be drawn from the patient and this is used to extract the growth factors and stem cells which are to be used for the procedure.

The concentrated stem cells serve as a stimulus or booster for the hair growth and improves hair growth when done regularly for the necessary duration.

Cost of Non Surgical Hair Treatments in Dubai

For an accurate cost assessment, you will need a consultation with our surgeon. The costs usually depends on the following factors:

  1. Number of Areas – The area is one or more. The technique chosen and the duration of the procedure
  2. Complexity and Expertise – The surgeon’s fee is based on their experience and expertise. Hence, a plastic surgery which requires more finesse and precision will cost higher than a routine surgery.
  3. Hospital – Fees also depend upon the facility chosen and the expertise of other medical personnel involved in the operation.

You should bear in mind that the expertise of your consultant and your comfort with him or her should be one the more important factors, rather than the cost of the procedure.

Chasing the cheapest procedure available could turn out to be an costly mistake in the long run.

Why choose Dr. Suhas for your procedure in Dubai?

PATIENT SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY – We employ the worlds best practises, techniques and most proven technologies only to ensure that our clients have the best and safest surgical experience.

  1. Triple Board Certified Consultant Plastic Surgeon – Licensed to practise as a Consultant in 3 different countries.
  2. Multiple Gold Medalist and awardee during his illustrious academic career.
  3. Trained extensively and worked in some of the best institutions in the world.
  4. Multiple coveted fellowships to learn from the finest in the world.
  5. Track Record of more than 8000+ successful Plastic Surgery procedures completed.
  6. Extensive 13+ years of International experience in some of the busiest hospitals in the world, where he has honed his surgical skills over time.
  7. Empathetic and caring approach towards his clients.
  8. Puts patient safety as the priority and the patient as the center in his practise and surgeries.
  9. Being dynamic in the use of the latest proven medical technologies so as to give the best possible outcome.
  10. Had been a Teacher/Trainer for other Plastic Surgeons for many years in a reputed Medical University in India.
  11. Regularly invited to talk in Plastic Surgery conferences to share knowledge and learn from the best in the world.
  12. Having being trained and regularly performing Microsurgery, he believes in delicate tissue handling and high precision in every step of his surgery, thus giving a superior aesthetic result.
  13. He is an accomplished guitarist from his school days, so finesse and precision was trained into his hands, even before he started his surgical training.
  14. He is a perfectionist, by nature.

“Embrace the shape of confidence with body contouring that celebrates your unique contours and the exquisite art of subtlety in transformation.”

Dr. Suhas S

Embrace Your Journey. Begin Your Transformation.

Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Suhas S this month to start your journey towards aesthetic excellence and self-discovery.