Breast Augmentation by Silicone Implants in Dubai

Breast Augmentation by Silicone Implants in Dubai

Short Summary

Surgery Time 1-3 hours depending on the number of areas

Areas that can be done Both Breasts

Anesthesia General Anesthesia

Recovery Period 5-6 days

Stay in HospitalDay care (usually) or Maximum 1 night

About The Procedure

What is Breast Augmentation ?

Breast Augmentation is a surgical procedure which helps improve the volume of your breasts, making them larger and if needed fuller too. It is also referred to as breast enlargement or breast enhancement or augmentation mammoplasty or breast implants surgery.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

For women, breasts play an important part in their overall personality and also gives them a lot of confidence.

Many women feel the need to have breast correction – some for cosmetic reasons, some due to deformities, and some due to mastectomies (removal of breast due to cancer). Whatever the reason, it is important to understand the best technique and best treatment will be customised by Dr Suhas after a careful discussion with you. Utmost privacy and patient confidentiality will be maintained throughout your treatment process.

Are breast implants safe?

Breast Implants are of 2 types – Silicone and Saline Implants.

Silicone implants are the ones which are most commonly used.

Breast Implants have been in clinical use for more than 40 years, and presently in 7th generation now and have proven to be very safe.

There has been no scientific evidence to link silicone implants to cancer. Your risk for breast cancer will be just the same as if you didn’t have the implants.

With the latest technologies which have been used in the making of the worlds best implant brands which Dr Suhas always uses in his practice, the risks of other complications like infection, rupture etc are less than 0.5%.

Women with implants can safely participate in all sports activities, gym, swimming, flying in airplanes etc just like before.

Breast feeding can also be done safely as the implant is placed well below the breast tissue, so that all your milk ducts are intact.

Only difference is – in breast screening, Mammogram will not be helpful and MRI will be the best modality to screen and monitor the breast.

Types and size of Implants

There are 2 types of silicone implants – round and the anatomically shaped (tear drop)

Also the texture of implants can be smooth, micro textured or nano textured.

The size of implant ranges from 100 cc – 500 cc.

The size and type of breast implant ideal for you is a decision that must be made in consultation with your surgeon. These decisions depend on factors such as your current breast size and shape, areola size, quality of breast skin, volume of breast tissue, your anatomy (height, weight, body ratios) etc

It may not be practical to expect transition from a cup size A to cup size DD since your breast might not be able to accommodate such a big implant. Neither is it possible that you stick on to a certain size or type of implant, nor with a specific incision and placement.

Dr Suhas will carefully examine and guide you about the safe range of volume and technique, which is right for your body.

Always remember that our end objective will be a natural-looking result that is in sync with the rest of your body and gives pleasing aesthetic proportions.

Effect of Pregnancy on Breast Implant

Generally , pregnancy does not directly affect the breast implants. However, some breast aesthetics (looks and shape) may change due to pregnancy and breast feeding. During pregnancy, the breasts naturally enlarge or engorge, which will then shrink after you stop nursing your baby, resulting in some sagging skin. However these are aesthetic issues and don’t generally affect your implants per se. In fact, most women who don’t gain too much weight in pregnancy hardly experience such effects.

Are Breast Implants permanent?

Breast implants today are definitely safer and better than in the past. However, they are medical devices, and like any other medical device, can fail over time, and may require a removal or replacement. The best breast implants available today, which is what Dr Suhas uses, come with a 15 years life. But it doesn’t mean that it needs replacement at 15 years. If everything is going well, you can leave it be all your life.

Your consultation

During your consultation, after careful examination, Dr Suhas will ascertain if you are a right candidate for Breast Augmentation and take measurements so that the ideal size and type of implant can be selected by mutual discussion.

He will also take you through the whole procedure in pictures and show you some of the before and after so that you get a good idea about what you can expect from the procedure.

It is imperative at this time for you to reveal your complete medical history including any medications you maybe taking or other treatments you might be undergoing so that your safety is ensured.

Feeling apprehensive before the surgery takes place is entirely normal. You will be made comfortable and you will be free to ask all your queries and doubts, however seemingly small or big it maybe to you.


Once you have chosen to go ahead with the procedure, Dr Suhas will advise you a few blood tests etc to ensure that you are indeed in good health otherwise.

If you do have medical conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Problems, Asthma or anything else, Dr Suhas will ensure it is well treated and controlled before the procedure.

On the day of procedure

Dr Suhas will see you before the procedure for marking the areas of the liposuction.

His team will be there to fully support and help you during your stay with us.

Our Anesthesia Specialist will ensure that you are comfortable during the surgery and take care of the anesthesia so that the surgical process is fully painless and you recover well from the anesthesia.

Procedure Details


  1. Women with very small breasts or underdeveloped breasts.
  2. Women after pregnancy or weight loss who have lost size of breasts.
  3. Women with mild to moderate sagging of breasts due to pregnancy, weight loss or ageing process.
  4. Asymmetrical breasts due to birth deformity.
  5. Tuberous breast deformity where the shape of the breast is very narrow and tubular.
  6. Reconstruction of breasts after breast removal surgery due to breast cancer.
  7. Any normally healthy woman aged 18 and above, without major health issues, not pregnant, not currently breast feeding are good candidates.

Techniques of Breast Augmentation by Silicon implants in Dubai

There are various techniques for breast augmentation.

It is based on 2 aspects – Incision and plane of implant placement .

Incision – Most common is the inframammary incision , which is placed beneath the breast in the breast crease. This is the least visible and most preferred by patients and surgeons alike.

Others are –

Periareolar (semicircle incision placed in the areola, preferred for those with a big areola) and

Trans axillary (cut made in the arm pit to access the breast).

Plane – The most natural feeling and looking plane is the subfascial plane – which is fully beneath the breast and above the muscle, preserving the integrity of both.

Other planes are sub glandular (just underneath the breast gland) or sub muscular (beneath the muscle with a dual plane approach – upper part beneath the muscle and lower part under gland which is generally used if the breast tissue in upper pole is deficient).



  1. You will be able to walk shortly after your surgery, once the anaesthesia has worn off.
  2. Immediately after the surgery, your breasts will be bandaged, and you will also be given a special bra that will help reduce the swelling, while also offering support to the breasts.
  3. 1-2 days post surgery, there maybe mild discomfort, which will easily be controlled with a pain medication.
  4. You will also be prescribed some antibiotics to prevent infection.
  5. Most patients can resume desk work after 3-4 days with minimum discomfort.
  6. You will need to visit Dr Suhas a couple of times to ensure your recovery is on the right path.
  7. Usually women require a week or so to get back to normal work. Walking indoors is recommended, but for harder exercise schedules like aerobics, a few more days are needed. Carrying heavy loads is not advisable during the first 10 – 14 days.
  8. It is advisable to take a week off from work – which usually suffices for most women.

Cost of Breast Augmentation by Silicon Implants in Dubai

For an accurate cost assessment, you will need a consultation with our surgeon. The costs usually depends on the following factors:

  1. Number of Areas – The size and number of areas to be treated and the duration of the procedure.
  2. Complexity and Expertise – The surgeon’s fee is based on their experience and expertise. Hence, a plastic surgery which requires more finesse and precision will cost higher than a routine surgery.
  3. Hospital – Fees also depend upon the facility chosen and the expertise of other medical personnel involved in the operation.

You should bear in mind that the expertise of your consultant and your comfort with him or her should be one the more important factors, rather than the cost of the procedure.

Chasing the cheapest procedure available could turn out to be an costly mistake in the long run.

Why choose Dr.Suhas for your procedure in Dubai?

PATIENT SAFETY IS OUR PRIORITY – We employ the worlds best practises, techniques and most proven technologies only to ensure that our clients have the best and safest surgical experience.

  1. Triple Board Certified Consultant Plastic Surgeon – Licensed to practise as a Consultant in 3 different countries.
  2. Multiple Gold Medalist and awardee during his illustrious academic career.
  3. Trained extensively and worked in some of the best institutions in the world.
  4. Multiple coveted fellowships to learn from the finest in the world.
  5. Track Record of more than 8000+ successful Plastic Surgery procedures completed.
  6. Extensive 13+ years of International experience in some of the busiest hospitals in the world, where he has honed his surgical skills over time.
  7. Empathetic and caring approach towards his clients.
  8. Puts patient safety as the priority and the patient as the center in his practise and surgeries.
  9. Being dynamic in the use of the latest proven medical technologies so as to give the best possible outcome.
  10. Had been a Teacher/Trainer for other Plastic Surgeons for many years in a reputed Medical University in India.
  11. Regularly invited to talk in Plastic Surgery conferences to share knowledge and learn from the best in the world.
  12. Having being trained and regularly performing Microsurgery, he believes in delicate tissue handling and high precision in every step of his surgery, thus giving a superior aesthetic result.
  13. He is an accomplished guitarist from his school days, so finesse and precision was trained into his hands, even before he started his surgical training.
  14. He is a perfectionist, by nature.

“Embrace the shape of confidence with body contouring that celebrates your unique contours and the exquisite art of subtlety in transformation.”

Dr. Suhas S

Embrace Your Journey. Begin Your Transformation.

Schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Suhas S this month to start your journey towards aesthetic excellence and self-discovery.